As an historical guide to Tesla's work as described in
the Colorado Springs Notes this book is without equal. The
author's day-by-day analysis will be of great assistance reader of this
sometimes puzzling volume. Written especially for the Tesla coil builder, The
Guide shows the evolution of the magnifier system by comparing the
original pioneering work with Mr. Hull's rediscovery of Tesla's nearly
forgotten design principles. With this book, you will be carried back to
the high Colorado plateaus and virtually look over the good doctor's
shoulder as he performs his pioneering experiments. Also included are 37
original photos of contemporary coils and equipment. If you are interested
in obtaining superior performance and efficiency from your next Tesla
oscillator, this book is a must read.
The English edition of Nikola Tesla's Colorado Spring Notes: 1899-1900 was published 16 years
ago (Nolit, Belgrade, 439 pp.). Since that time, a number of writers and researchers have made
reference only to certain specific technical points in this remarkable volume, but this Guide is the
first analysis in toto of the detailed experimental work covered. Why is an analysis needed? For
two basic reasons:
(1) Tesla accumulated the CSN during the construction and testing of experimental engineering
designs for large, high power electrical resonators to be used at his Wardenclyffe (Shoreham),
Long Island plant. The discoveries and experimental work covered in the notes were also the basis
for and in support of patent applications solidifying his ideas. The notes were for his own
personal use and not intended for publication. Because of this, the notes are not systematically
organized by task or topic but, rather, presented chronologically as the work progressed.
(2) The units that Tesla used in measurements and calculations are not those in vogue today,
such as inductance and capacitance. Values were variously expressed in centimeters
units) or henrys and farads, and vibration rates expressed in cycle time period rather than
As a result of these difficulties, most readers have been frustrated in following the various
experimental objectives through the volume and have shied away from the entire reading of it.
The Colorado Springs notes have instead typically been scanned for portions that seem to be of
special interest. Such an approach excludes the great value to be obtained from the integrated
information bearing on the design of very high-voltage, high-power, high-frequency resonators
(i.e., Tesla coils and magnifiers).
The Guide is organized in the same fashion as the CSN, by date entry. It is intermixed with Hull's
expert advise from his own formidable experience in designing and constructing efficient,
high-performance resonators. The practical value of his observations cannot be overstated, and
many important guidance criteria are presented for those attempting the construction of any
manner of Tesla coils and magnifiers.
Part of the charm of this work appears in the form of summary excerpts of the correspondence
between Tesla and George Scherff, his secretary and business manager in New York City. Mr.
Scherff came to work for Tesla at the age of 21, in 1895 and their association continued for 35
years. These excerpts provide important information concerning, for example, the equipment and
experimental apparatus shipped from New York to Tesla in Colorado Springs as well as presenting
a backdrop of the social and competitive milieu. Thus, Hull's volume provides a wealth of
information from both an historical and technical perspective.
For those not well acquainted with Tesla coil design and operation, Hull begins by pointing out
that, fundamentally, grounding the base end of a vertical coil forces a node at that end, and the
coil resonates at its natural 1/4-wavelength frequency. A "good" ground connection is a must.
If, however, the coil is ungrounded, and typically placed in an elevated, horizontal position, the
coil then self-resonates at its natural 1/2-wavelength frequency with a node forced at the center.
From that introduction we are led through increasingly advanced issues such as "isotropic"
capacity�essentially that of an isolated, but connected, conducting body as often employed for a
Tesla coil terminal. Hull explains that Tesla's "magnifier" is not the classic Tesla Coil. In an
article entitled "Tesla Magnifier Basics" (Electric Spacecraft Journal, Issue 10, pub. 1994), Hull
notes that "there appears to be no place in the historical record where the magnifying transmitter
was even investigated!" Astonishingly, it has taken between 80 and 90 years to get a "handle" on
this three coil system.
The first hint that the three-coil magnifier system required a different form of analysis than simply
that of lumped-constant coupled resonant coils came to this writer in September 1975 when Robert
Golka, in attempting to mimic Tesla's magnifying transmitter, pointed out that the third or extra
coil, need not be coaxially positioned with the secondary driver�it could be positioned at any
reasonable distance away from it! This coaxial configuration had heretofore distracted all those
examining the amazing photographs of the magnifying transmitter in action Tesla brought back
from Colorado Springs at the turn of the century, and turned attention away from the required
broad scope of theoretical analysis.
Hull points out that Tesla was also working with the extra coil operating at 1/2 and 3/4
wavelengths but, unfortunately, the results of these tests do not appear in the CSN. These
experiments, with the system operating at multiple frequencies, were most propitious as later
review has shown. They were performed by Tesla to develop his work on "individualization"
techniques leading to his patents on the fundamental AND logic gate (U.S. Patents No. 723,188
and No. 725,605), applied for on his return to New York. The book Nikola Tesla: Guided
Weapons & Computer Technology describes Tesla's heretofore unpublished work on this topic.
Multiple-frequency operation also had disturbing, not to mention, threatening, consequences for
Tesla working in a wooden structure on the arid plains outside Colorado Springs by causing
electric fireballs to frequently break out of the extra-coil resonator (see CSN, Dec. 17-31 entry in
association with Photos XI-XII, and Jan. 3 entry in association with Photos XL-XLII). Fire
extinguishers are to be seen in some photographs. The mechanism of fireball production was
described years later by Tesla to John O'Neill, Tesla's first biographer. The chapter description
was omitted from the resulting biography but has been reproduced (Ball Lightning and Tesla's
Electric Fireballs). James and Kenneth Corum, Corum Associates, arranged their apparatus
according to the chapter description, having two resonators operating together at different
frequencies, and fireballs were produced.
For those who have read the CSN, a curious aspect concerning Tesla's section entries on tests to
be performed is that the results are not to be found in the daily record. This tends to support a
belief held by many that the CSN were not the sole body of records kept by him at the
experimental station. The record groups possibly consisted of (a) general correspondence, (b)
patent applications, (c) the Colorado Springs notes, (d) notes of experimental results. It is the
latter for which scholars have since been searching but without success. Tesla moved all his
records to the Wardenclyffe site during its development, and shortly before the tower's destruction
in 1917 the plant was ransacked. Records were strewn ankle-deep across the floor. A California
inventor who witnessed the destruction and seeing papers blown down the road exclaimed,
"History is being carried away by the wind." It is important to realize therefore, that the CSN are
not the complete picture of Tesla's efforts at Colorado Springs.
Hull is to be commended on his several references to Tesla working with the magnifying
transmitter in a continuous-wave (CW) mode. This aspect of Tesla's work has been essentially
overlooked by historians of wireless telegraphy who have assumed, based again upon the
photographs of the magnifying transmitter in action Tesla brought back from Colorado Springs,
that Tesla's interest was solely in the optimization of damped-wave resonant systems.
Hull concludes by mentioning Tesla's claim of receiving what he believed to be extraterrestrial
signals at Colorado Springs experimental station. As expressed by this writer years ago in Nature,
it is unfortunate that this claim was not greeted by interested inquiry rather than prompt criticism
from the scientific community. The opportunity to obtain details of Tesla's work was thereby lost.
It is quite certain that today, if one were to establish an experimental shack on the eastern plains
of Colorado Springs and claim to have received extraterrestrial signals, every astronomical group
in the world would be knocking at the door.
This book is a veritable storehouse of essential information about the coils and magnifiers designed
and constructed by Tesla at his Colorado Springs experimental station presented in organized
sections with an appendix section of supplemental text and extraordinary photographs. It is a must
for any Tesla coil builder's bookshelf.
Leland Anderson
May 24, 1994
Denver, Colorado
Technical Perspective
While Tesla arrived at Colorado Springs with over 10 years of experience with resonant systems,
this doesn't mean that it's necessary to have a similar amount of knowledge for his notes to be
understandable. The purpose of this Guide is to cushion the reader a bit and assist in
comprehension of what the 19th century Tesla was trying to convey. Tesla was writing to himself
and not an audience. Therefore, it is understandable that many of the items he saw as given
remained unspoken in his notes, leaving the casual reader mystified as to how certain results and
conclusions were obtained.
As has already been stated, I will not teach Tesla coil theory in this present work. I will,
however, give a very brief background into why a coil of wire can be made to do the wonderful
things that brought Tesla to Colorado Springs in the first place.
Every object, be it a piece of glass, a table, a coil of wire, etc. has a natural resonant frequency.
This is determined by the shape and material of the object. Most solid physical objects of any size
have resonant frequencies that are low or at least residing within the sonic range, that is to say,
1 to 40,000 oscillations per second. The high frequency oscillations we will be discussing are
always electrical in nature and occur within conductors. The nature of a conductor is such that
any given length of wire has a naturally occurring electrical resonance. This frequency is given,
approximately, by dividing the speed of light by the length of the conductor, and is dependent
upon two properties embodied in the conductor, namely inductance and capacitance.
Theoretically, when a wire is vibrated electrically at its natural frequency, two voltage peaks and
three voltage nodes occur along the length of the conductor as in a sine wave. Likewise, three
current peaks and two nodes are also present, but are 90 degrees out of phase with the voltage.
When a wire is wound into a coil its self inductance is altered due to the magnetic fields around
the wire interacting with each other. The overall effect of this is to slow down the propagation
of electrical energy along the helix of wire, causing the natural resonant frequency of the wire
wound into a coil to differ from the theoretical straight-wire example given above. With the
property of increased inductance, from winding the long wire on to a short, round form, we gain
the advantage of a physically smaller system which can be constructed and worked quite easily.
If we place a quantity of electrical energy into the coil and do it quickly enough, the coil will
ring at its natural resonant frequency, much like a bell. Voltage nodes and peaks will appear
along the coil. If the coil is floating in free space, it will tend to oscillate at its natural
1/2-wavelength resonant frequency, and each end of the coil will exhibit a voltage peak while a
voltage nodal point will exist in the exact center of the coil. If, however, we ground the base of
the coil, this is a forced nodal point and the coil will oscillate at its natural 1/4-wave resonant
frequency. The results will be enhanced if the energy is pulsed into the coil at its exact resonant
frequency. The effect is called resonant rise, and the coil a helical resonator. A standing wave
appears on the classic 1/4-wave resonator which has a current peak at its base or ground point and
a current node at the top of the coil. Likewise, there exists a voltage nodal point at the ground or
base of the coil and a voltage peak at the top. Resonant rise is a function of the current value at
the base of the resonator and the "Q" or quality factor of the resonator. This quality factor is
determined by the inductance of the coil, its resonant frequency and the AC resistive losses within
the coil. This is all that enters into the equation as long as the coil is free and floating in the "perfect vacuum" of interstellar space! To my knowledge, no coil in
history has ever completely satisfied the equation for Q!
In the real world, Q is most affected by the coil form that the wire is wound upon, specifically its
composition and thickness. There is another "evil" with which Tesla did battle constantly, and
never so boldly as when at Colorado Springs, that is known as inter-turn capacitance. In addition
to self inductance, a coil of wire also has internal or distributed capacitance created by the
proximity of the adjacent turns to one another. Each turn is like a small capacitor plate which
interacts capacitively with each turn adjacent to itself. Both the form factor and the internal self
capacitance work to reduce the resonator Q. Finally, near effects by things such as the ground,
metal objects, etc., all conspire to make the real world Q an almost impossible value to calculate.
Why all the fuss about Q? This is what Tesla terms the "magnification factor" and is directly
related to the efficiency of all Tesla coil or similar resonant systems. And, this is what makes a
magnifying transmitter into the ultimate Tesla coil.
You will recall I said, "if we place a quantity of energy into the coil . . ." earlier in this section.
This was an easy way of avoiding the nasty hands-on stuff and actually linking this cold, dead coil
of copper to an active, hot, seething, power source. There are a number of ways to introduce
energy into a 1/4-wave helical resonator. Remember, this is usually done very fast and with
energy preconditioned to "sympathize" with the resonator. We may couple energy into the
resonator inductively. This is what we do in a normal, classic Tesla coil with a primary coil tuned
to the 1/4-wave frequency of the resonator which, in this case, is called the secondary. We can
also directly couple energy into the resonator by injecting it directly into the base of the coil. This
second method is the undisputed, all time, best way to make a Tesla coil perform!!! The first
method is of lesser value and involves lost and wasted energy. This is why Tesla abandoned all
experiments with regular classic Tesla coils long before he ever dreamed of going to Colorado
Springs! There is a third method of coupling energy to our resonator, similar to second, but also
involving capacitive coupling. When placed near an operating Tesla system, a "sympathetic"
grounded 1/4-wave helical resonator will be energized. Nevertheless, it's the second method of
directly coupling the energy into the base of a helical resonator that the magnifier configuration
is all about.
People are often heard to exclaim that the magnifier is not a true Tesla coil. Nothing could be
farther from the truth. All impact excited helical resonators which experience resonant rise are
Tesla coils! Nikola Tesla, at one time or another, probably connected up coils of wire into
resonant systems in just about every possible configuration imaginable. It was Tesla who noticed
and championed this whole concept. It must be remembered that only one coil is the source of
resonant rise in all Tesla resonant systems! All the other circuit components are just so much
power pre-conditioning and impedance matching stuff!
I am often pressed to recommend books that will teach a person "all about Tesla coils." I have
only seen one that really impressed me and that was Duane Bylund's, Modern Tesla Coil Theory.
I say this because of the excellent grounding one is given in the theory of resonance and
transmission lines. It is not overly mathematical, but is long in "plain speak" and filled with
examples. I recommend it to anyone as a good introduction to what resonance is all about.
June 7
Here, Tesla is calculating his primary inductance using the older "cm" electrostatic units. These
are defined in the glossary, but again, 1 cm is equal to 1.1 picofarad of capacitance and 1
nanohenry of inductance. Tesla computes the primary based on a 25 foot radius or 50 foot
diameter. He arrives at an inductance value for the single turn primary of 63,900 cm or 63.9
µH. He also gives us a clue to his large working oscillator in the New York laboratory when he
computes its inductance and mentions that it is 8 feet in diameter. It is of note to mention that the
flat spiral secondary of the New York oscillator was mounted on a vertical frame. The primary
was also mounted in the vertical plane on a separate frame that could be moved around the
Houston Street lab, allowing primary/secondary coupling to be adjusted at will. I have often
thought of placing a larger magnifier coil primary/secondary system in the vertical plane. This
would secure two advantages: first, it would save a tremendous amount of floor space, and second,
it would not couple much energy into the concrete floor's rebar, as it would be at right angles to
the shorted turns created by the floor's reinforcing grid. The fact that he chose a 50 foot diameter
for his coil means his lab, still under construction, would just accommodate this size. More about
this later on. The building's size may have been dictated by the already existing primary in his
New York laboratory! In the correspondence between Tesla and his secretary George Scherff at
the New York laboratory, on May 19, the day after Tesla arrives in Colorado Springs, Tesla
telegraphs Scherff to inquire as to the length of the two large cables "around the room." Scherff
responds in a letter on that date, saying the cables are "162 feet long each." Dividing by
(3.1416) we get 51.56 feet in diameter. This was a critical measurement indeed. Tesla asked that
these cables be sent to Colorado "express" as he began construction. His pressing need on May
19 was for this measurement in order to calculate the size of the building that he would need to
contain his giant oscillator. If things were to proceed rapidly, he would need to give these
dimensions to Mr. Dozier, his builder, as soon as possible. On this date, June 7, he is just
calculating the primary inductance of these cables when in place. Note that he also calculates for
the two cables if used in series as two turns, and arrives at 255.6 µH.
June 8-12
Tesla muses over various receiving schemes and discusses bridge methods for measuring
inductances. In these modern times of digital meters with laser trimmed ranging components, the
bridge box is virtually a thing of the past. It must be remembered that the Wheatstone bridge
gives very accurate readings and was a quintessential part of any good physics lab into the 1970's.
All modern inductance and capacitance meters still rely on the venerable bridge circuit too, but
it is unseen by the end user. . . .
Before building our first magnifier, it was necessary
to master the classic Tesla coil and learn numerous artifices which
could later be transferred to
the more sophisticated designs. Here,
we see the culmination of many Tesla coils built to the
classic design, but
incorporating many unusual features not often
found on such systems.
This coil, "Nemesis" is capable of spark
outputs of up to 4
times its own 46" secondary coil length! The
system uses only .09
ufd capacitance and resonates at 54 kHz. When
run to full power
potential, it consumes 11-12 kVA of power. The
longest spark noted
from this system has been 15 feet, point to
We see the large classic
coil "Nemesis" leaping forward
to 12 or 13 feet in a shot from
an oblique angle. The power level
was only 9 kVA. The
sparks constantly impact tool benches and even
the system power
transformers (lower right)! Notice the large torroid and the rather
small 14" x 46" secondary. The secondary is tight wound #18 magnet
wire and has an inductance of .11 henry! The primary is 11 turns of 5/8"
copper pipe. The coupling is k =
.25 which is very tight
for a classic Tesla coil system.
Glossary of Terms
Historical Perspective
Technical Perspective
Information Prior to June 1, 1899
The Notes
Part 1: Setup and Consolidation
Part 2: Time of Discovery
Part 3: A New Beginning
Part 4: The Home Stretch
Finalized System Notes
The Colorado Springs Laboratory of Nikola Tesla
Sources of Tesla High Voltage Related Information
Photographic Presentation of T.C.B.O.R. Tesla Resonant Systems, 1991-1994
Tesla Coil Builders of Richmond Tesla Resonant Systems, 1995-1996
The Latest Goings On, Circa 1999
Synergism &
Harmony, The Great Secret of Nikola Tesla
Significant Research Findings by the T.C.B.O.R.
Optimization of Tesla Coil Performance Through Massive Terminal Loadings
Nikola Tesla's Research With Resonant Systems and Isotropic Capacity
Standard Tesla coil oscillator circuit
Capacitor tank, plan view
Floor plan of the Colorado Springs laboratory building
Classic Tesla coil circuit with magnetically quenched gap
Tesla coil input system and resonator system components
Magnifier driver secondary coupled to a helical resonator
Evolution of the Wardenclyffe commercial plant concept
1. Classic Tesla coil "Nemesis" in action
2. Classic Tesla coil "Nemesis" from an oblique angle
3. Magnifier #2, The Early Days!
4. Magnifier #4 driver during a late stage of development
5. Magnifier #4 in action
6. Magnifier #5 driver system
7. Magnifier #5 extra coil
8. Magnifier #5 in action
9. Magnifier #5 in action
10. Magnifier #7 driver system including power control cabinet
11. Magnifier #7 driver system discharging powerfully to ground
12. Magnifier #7 in action
13. Magnifier #5 driver connected to an experimental extra coil, in action
14. Experimental magnifier with very large isotropic capacitance
15. Experimental magnifier's extra coil shown in action
16. Magnifier #8 in action, Pushing the Envelope!
17. Magnifier #8 in action, Pushing the Envelope Further!
18. Magnifier #8 in action, A Real Performer
19. Magnifier #8 driver
20. Extra coil #5 used with magnifier #8
21. Rotary quench gap used with magnifier #8
22. Magnifier #11 showing all components
23. Magnifier #11, primary, secondary and extra coil
24. Magnifier #11 driver system
25. Rotary gap and capacitor units used with magnifier #11
26. Magnifier #11 showing extra coil suspension system
27. First arcs from magnifier #11
28. Magnifier #11-C showing all components
29. Magnifier #11-C, First Arcs!!
30. Magnifier #11-C in action
31. Magnifier #11-C in action, close-up
32. Magnifier #11-E with new extra coil resonator
33. Magnifier #11-E
34. Magnifier #11-E in action
35. Magnifier #11-E in action
36. Magnifier #11-E in action
37. Magnifier #11-E in action