Tesla Turbine References Expanded Edition
Compiled by L.I. Anderson & W. Rice
23 pages.
432-TTRX ... $5.00

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    This list of 240 citations spans the period from 1911 to 1996. Most of the references before 1943, are to articles that appeared in period newspapers and magazines. The more recent references are mainly to M.S. thesis and Ph.D. dissertations, and papers that have been published in various engineering journals and conference proceedings.

This is an updated edition of the Tesla Turbine References, a list initially prepared by Leland I. Anderson in 1965 and distributed by the Tesla Society, Minneapolis, Minnesota.  An expanded edition was published by Boyle & Anderson in 1991, and contained 85 references.

The present edition includes an additional 135 references drawn from a catalog prepared by Professor Warren Rice of turbine-related papers written or acquired during his tenure at Arizona State University.  A small number of additional entries also appear.  Information about missing references will be welcomed in order to improve upon the completeness of this publication.

Gary Peterson 

March 1, 2001
Breckenridge, Colo.
