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I've heard stories about the Tesla turbine that cite a figure of 95% efficiency, and have been unsuccessful in obtaining any information regarding this claim. I was wondering if you could help in some way. In addition, why haven't these devices been utilized in the mainstream. Its hard to believe that it wouldn't have peeked its head out somewhere in the commercial realm. I'm fairly certain the 95% figure you heard about can be traced back to a paper written by a Prof. Warren Rice, titled "Tesla
Turbomachinery," and published in the Conference Proceedings
of the IV International Tesla Symposium, September 22-25, 1991, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
Professor Rice states that bulk-parameter analysis has been used to accurately model laminar flow in multiple disk rotors, asserting that "...calculated results for laminar flows are in excellent agreement with experimental results for such flows. . . . With proper use of the analytical results, the rotor efficiency using laminar flow can be very high, even above 95%. . . ."
Keep in mind that while the rotor efficiencies can be very high, the fluid flow losses entering and exiting the rotor can be significant and difficult to reduce.
According to Prof. Rice, "There is little or no literature devoted to the flows that cause the main losses in
Tesla-type turbomachinery." |
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